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Your NEXT STEP here at CEFC may be to join one of our volunteer teams! You can use your God-given spiritual gifts and abilities to make an impact on the lives of others and to further God's kingdom. We are called to SERVE, and it takes a team of volunteers to keep CEFC going on a weekly basis. Whether you work with students, operate a camera, play an instrument, or greet at the doors, we have the perfect position just for you!  
Check out the list of opportunities below, and see what might fit you best. Please follow the link, fill out the application, and the director of these ministries will be in touch with you soon.  You can also stop by Guest Services on a Sunday and discuss your options with a team member.

Visit Us:

We are located on 183, just past route 78 headed North

8477 Route 183, Bethel, Pa 19507

Sundays online at 9:00 & 10:30am




Our Mission:

We exist to help people take their

next step closer to Jesus.


Office Hours:

9:00am - 3:00pm

Monday - Friday



Find us on Socials:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
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