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Senior Connections Luncheon 

Sunday, March 16th after 2nd service 

Kids' Building â€‹â€‹


Senior Connections is a ministry designed to bring together the more "seasoned" partners of Christ EFC and others interested in Christ-centered fellowship.  Sign up with Jere or Virginia Witmer in the lobby or contact

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Beast Feast Sportsman Event

Saturday, March 29th 4:30-8pm


Mark your calendars for our annual Beast Feast!  This year’s event will be held inside and will include delicious food, a variety of vendors and  raffles and an inspiring message from Special Guest Mark Bartkoski P.E, an author, industrialist and big game hunter.  Tickets available February 16th for $35 at church or you can contact the office.

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Kids Choir

Rehearsal every Sunday during Adventure Kids

Performance Sunday, April 6th 1st & 2nd service


All Kindergarten - 5th Graders will rehearse for 15 minutes each Sunday during their regular Adventure Kids class to prepare for their performance for the congregation on Sunday, April 6th.  Children must arrive by 8:30am and stay until 10:45am.  

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Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 19th 10am-1pm


Join us for a family-friendly, laughter-filled, Christ-centered performance by ventriloquist Marian & Friends at 10:15 in the Main Building followed by food & games at 11:00 and an egg hunt at 12pm.  Golden tickets will will prizes!  This is a free event for our community to enjoy.  

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Monday, July 28th - Friday, August 1


Mark your calendars for our summer bible camp for our Adventure Kids ages kindergarten-5th grade.

K-1st attend Monday - Wednesday

2nd-5th attend Monday-Friday.

More details to come in May! ​

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Monday, July 28th - Thursday, July 31st


Mark your calendars for our summer bible camp for our preschool children ages 3-5. We register children into two groups.   The first group attends Monday - Tuesday morning and the second group attends Wednesday-Thursday morning.  More details to come in May! ​

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CEFC Prayer

Where: Groups Mod, Room 301 


Anyone is welcome to bring their concerns before the Lord with us or join us as we pray for our ministries and intercede on behalf of our church family and community.  You may drop in or stay the whole time.  

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Co-ed Adult Study Group 

Wednesday evenings 7-8pm

Where: Groups Mod, Room 302


This group is open to both men and women of varying ages and backgrounds.  We meet for mutual encouragement and to grow in our love for and obedience to Jesus Christ.​  We also have classes for children Pre-K-5th and for youth 6th-12th grade that meet on Wednesdays.  

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Adventure Kids

Preschool-5th Grade

Wednesday nights 6:45-8pm  


​Adventure Kids is a place where kids are top priority.  We value your time here and we want to make sure that everyone has a ton of fun, makes life-long friendships, and gets to know Jesus in a real way!  We'd love to have you join us Wednesday evenings. 

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Helping students to know God authentically and to serve him wholeheartedly is our passion. Our mission this year is "to help students grow into authentic followers of Jesus."  Meet in the gym in Main Building at 6:30. Parents can stay on campus or return at 8pm to pick students up in NXTGen MOD.

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Ladies Saturday Connect Group

Where: Kids Building


We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.  This group is open to women in all seasons of life! No need to pre-register.  We are a multi-generational group and we concentrate not only on bible study but also spiritual growth and building godly friendships.  

Visit Us:

We are located on 183, just past route 78 headed North

8477 Route 183, Bethel, Pa 19507

Sundays online at 9:00 & 10:30am




Our Mission:

We exist to help people take their

next step closer to Jesus.


Office Hours:

9:00am - 3:00pm

Monday - Friday



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